
 Annual HOA Membership Dues - January 1, 2025

 When you purchased your home you also agreed by a legally binding contract, to become a dues paying member of the Hunter's Glen Home Owners Association (HGHOA). The elected HOA Board has established the dues to be $300.00 per year. Dues are due at the beginning of each year. Dues are Past Due after March 31st of the year.
Members are reminded that annual HOA Membership Dues are due on January 1, 2025 for the  upcoming calendar year.  
Dues are $400.00 for each property and checks should be paid to:

Hunters Glen Homeowners Association

Dues CHECKS should be mailed or placed in the locked mailbox located at:

Hunters Glen HOA

100 Hunters Lane

Anderson, SC 29625

 Dues are OVERDUE after March 31 2025, A $50.00 late fee is assigned to all payments made after the OVERDUE date. Dues paid after March 31 are $450.00. Past Due accounts will be turned over to a collection agency. Dues for prior year(s) should be either paid or in collection.

 Realtors and Sales Agents: Please note. The  HOA  charges a transfer fee for each home sale.  Exact fee will depend on amount owed as well as date. Please use the Online Contact Form for details.

 HOA Membership Budget Meeting January 12, 2025 at 2:00 PM

 Members are encouraged to attend the annual HOA Budget Meeting. Meeting will be at the HGHOA Picnic Shelter near the pool.
 Please check back here for any changes to this event.

 Hunters Glen Yard Sale  - April 5th, 2025  7:00 AM until 1:00 PM (rain date 4/12/25) 

 The Hunters Glen HOA has sponsored a neighborhood wide yard sale in April each year. 
We typically will advertise the event in the Anderson newspaper. Please check back here for updates or changes

 Annual HOA Membership Meeting and Pool Opening - May 3, 2025 -11:00 AM at Pool
The meeting will be held under shelter even if it is raining.

 The HOA membership meeting and Pool Opening: Meet at Pool at 11:00 AM for meeting. Pool keys will be distributed to members in good standing (Dues Paid). Please check back here for any changes or updates to this event.
 POOL KEYS and TAGS - Pick Up At the Pool...

Pool Keys and ID tags for the current pool season will be distributed to members in good standing (HOA dues paid) at the meeting. For those unable to attend, pool keys are available from Pool Committee members. A schedule of dates and times will be posted on Home Page for pool key pickup.
Pool Key /Tag Schedule will also be posted at the pool entrance. You may also want to check the FACEBOOK GROUP for faster response.

 Pool Closed - September 28, 2025

 Depending on the weather...The last day for using pool this season will probably  be end of September or first part of October. Please also check at the pool for any changes.


 Thanks to all who made this a great pool season.